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BSKG Public Foundation Independent Accreditation Agency under the Ministry of Education and Science of KG (EAEU Eurasian Economic Union Eegion)

The BSKG accreditation body is esteemed within the Eurasian region, holding recognition from governmental authorities and operating under the jurisdiction of its Ministry of Education and Science. Under the umbrella of the BSKG Public Foundation Independent Accreditation Agency, known as "Bilim Standard," it operates in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of KG (EAEU Eurasian Economic Union Region). As a full member of both the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and the APQN - Asia Pacific Quality Network, BSKG signifies a mark of distinction, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to excellence and quality assurance in education.

Ministry of Education and Science

The BSKG Agency, also known as Bilim-Standard "Public Foundation Independent Accreditation Agency," is not only an international accreditation agency but also recognized by the National Accreditation Council of the Ministry of Education and Science. With its robust standards and rigorous evaluation processes, BSKG plays a crucial role in ensuring quality assurance and excellence in education, for more details check the Ministry of Education and Science website

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International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) Europe - Spain

BSKG's commitment to maintaining high standards in education is further underscored by its full membership in the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) in Europe. This prestigious affiliation highlights BSKG's dedication to promoting quality assurance and continuous improvement in higher education institutions across the region. As a member of INQAAHE, BSKG actively participates in collaborative efforts to enhance educational standards and practices on an international scale, for more details check INQAAHE website

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APQN - Asia Pacific Quality Network, China

BSKG's commitment to fostering excellence in education extends beyond Europe, as evidenced by its full membership in the Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN). As a distinguished member of APQN, BSKG actively collaborates with institutions and organizations across the Asia-Pacific region to uphold rigorous quality standards and promote best practices in higher education. Through its engagement with APQN, BSKG contributes to the advancement of quality assurance initiatives, facilitating greater cooperation and exchange of knowledge among educational stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, for more details check APQN website

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The Eurasian Association for Education Quality Assessment (EAQA), Russia

BSKG stands as an approved quality assurance body for higher education. Recognized and endorsed by The Eurasian Association for Education Quality Assessment (EAQA), BSKG embodies a commitment to maintaining and enhancing educational standards in the Eurasian region. With a focus on ensuring rigorous quality assessment processes, BSKG plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the integrity and credibility of higher education institutions. Through its dedication to upholding academic standards, BSKG contributes significantly to fostering excellence and innovation in higher education across Eurasia.

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BSKG holds esteemed recognition as a higher education accreditation body by the Ministry of Education in Kyrgyzstan. This prestigious endorsement signifies that the quality assurance label bestowed by BSKG is not only acknowledged but also directly accepted in all member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). These countries include Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, among others EAEA is a group of +150 Million people.  This recognition underscores BSKG's pivotal role in ensuring and maintaining high standards of education across the EAEU region, fostering academic excellence and facilitating international cooperation in the field of education.



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ISBM International School of Business Management in Lucerne, Switzerland

(الجامعة الدولية السويسرية في لوتزرن منذ عام 1999)

الجامعة الدولية السويسرية في لوتزرن منذ عام 1999، جامعة معتمدة دولياً تقدم الدراسة ب 5 لغات ولها فروع سويسرا، الخليج العربي (دبي)، ريغا ومالطا (الإتحاد الأوروبي) بيشكيك ومنغوليا (اسيا الوسطى)، معتمدة من المجلس الأوروبي، والهيئة السويسرية المستقلة للاعتماد، والهيئة البريطانية الحكومية (اذذك) وزارة التعليم في جمهوريات الاويرواسيا ومعتمدة من اليونيسكو باعتماد مشترك مع وزارة التعليم في جمهورية بالاو ومعتمدة من هيئة المعرفة في حكومة دبي لتقديم دبلومات مهنية تعادل الماجستير والدكتوراه، وتعمل تحت ترخيص مديرية التربية والتعليم في سويسرا وعضو في وزارة السياحة السويسرية

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